Nanashi No Geemu

I have completed Nanashi No Geemu, SquareEnix’s Nintendo DS horror game about a cursed 8-bit RPG, and posted a review. The game is a paradox. On the one hand, the game play is extremely shallow and repetitive. On the other hand it’s amazingly innovative and, at times, genuinely scary. Excellent execution of a mediocre idea, or mediocre execution of a great idea? I am not sure exactly with this one. In any case, read the review for details.

7 thoughts on “Nanashi No Geemu

  1. clears up most of the questions I would have asked, I was curious of how the two different gameplay modes tied in to eachother.

    pity we who dwell in the west can only dream for now =P

  2. Thanks for the review, I enjoyed reading it. I was very curious how this game would turn out. I watched some Youtube videos on this and I could tell the gameplay was shallow, but it looked pretty scary. I wish it would make it’s way over to North America but…won’t happen. I would import it, but who likes to look at things you don’t understand? If there is a lot of text I would understand a thing.

    Thanks again Chris!

  3. I would import it, but who likes to look at things you don’t understand? If there is a lot of text I would understand a thing.

    Yeah, you’ll miss out on the story if you can’t read Japanese. The game should be pretty playable though, since as I said in the review there are pretty much no choices involved. So you could probably complete it but without the story it seems a little pointless.

  4. How does this game compare to the recently released Theresa?

    It sounds very similar it terms of gameplay.

    I haven’t played Theresa, but I thought that game was point-and-click? Nanashi is real-time 3D.

  5. Theresa was point and click for it’s puzzles but you do move around first person in a complete, well mostly 3d environment.

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