Haunted NES Games

Thanks to Dave for pointing me to a cool synopsis of a bunch of horror games for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Most of these games are not really appropriate for the Quest (except for this one, but it’s an interesting read nonetheless.

Obscure is coming

Thanks to Kotaku for reminding me that Obscure is finally coming out in the US tomorrow. It looks like they have dropped the “Mortifilia” name, which is good because it is a stupid name. Obscure is supposed to be out March 30.

Surviving Horror

I’m a bit late to the party here, but NTSC-uk has an excellent history an analysis of survival horror. The author is well versed in the genre and this article is one of the very few that I’ve seen to incorporate the influence of such obscure games as Clock Tower: The First Fear and Sweet […]

Make your own PSP (horror) Game

Thanks to Insert Credit for linking to an article on Gamespot abut From Software’s upcoming PSP title, Adventure Player. Adventure Player will run adventure games that user can create themselves on a PC with software called Adventure Player Studio. Several sample Adventure Player games will ship from From, the first of which appears to be […]

Some Games Came Out

Man, tons of updates today. Some games came out recently that I forgot to cover on the front page: Cold Fear is out in the US and Europe. You can see some gameplay movies at the official site. Constantine came out with the film. It has not been well received. Next month Doom 3 Xbox […]

Donation Update!!

Many, many thanks to forums user 16bitman for donating more games to the quest! This time he’s contributed Countdown Vampires, Galerians, and Juggernaut. Dude, I am totally, totally in your debt.

Fatal Frame 3 Info + Screens

Thanks to forums user cameraslens for some information and screens from the upcoming Fatal Frame 3. As of right now… It’s just ‘Zero’. (I’m sure we’ll have an extra title for it soon) The heroine’s name is Rei Kurosawa. She’s a 23 year old freelance photographer, searching for her boyfriend who has disappeared under mysterious […]

GDC: Akira Yamaoka and the Atmosphere of Silent Hill

At the Game Developer’s Conference last week, Akira Yamaoka gave a presentation about how the atmosphere in the Silent Hill series was constructed. Yamaoka split his talk into two sections: Day and Night. The Day portion of his talk began with a discussion about how horror differs between American and Japanese cultures. Yamaoka called Silent […]

Back from GDC!

I spent all of last week at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. This was the fourth year I’ve attended, and while the quality of the presentations continues to vary, I met a lot of cool people this year and had a chance to talk to some otherwise inaccessible folk. I finally met Tokyopia’s […]

Yet More Haunted Ground Screens

New screens are available over at The MagicBox from Haunted Ground. This game, while very similar-looking to Clock Tower 3, also appears to have a really fresh approach to the genre. It comes out this month in Japan and Europe, and it should be out in the US in May.