Darkwatch Review

I’ve just finished Darkwatch and posted a review. I liked the style and the setting for the game, and I thought that the controls were easy and smooth, but I wasn’t very impressed with the game overall. Check out my full review.

E3 Report

I’ve written up a more detailed report on E3 2006. It was a really good show, I think, probably the best I’ve been to since 2003. Check it out.

Quick E3 Roundup

Yesterday I got up at 4:30 AM, got in my car, and drove to the airport. I managed to park my car in the wrong lot, and had to trek on foot between terminals. Despite having left so early, I ended up just barely making my flight. I arrived at LAX at about 8:00 AM, […]

Headed to E3

I’m off to E3 tomorrow. Though the conference runs for three days, this year I have decided to visit for only a single day. After six or seven hours in the Los Angeles Convention Center I find myself almost unable to stand and mostly deaf. Last year I posted a lengthy rant about the direction […]

Alone in the Dark Episodes?

Joystiq.com has an interesting tidbit about the next Alone in the Dark game. Apparently it will be split into a series of TV-like episodes, with an entire “season” coming on the disk. I guess the idea is to break the narrative up into short 45 minute segments, which is an interesting approach. Hopefully I’ll get […]

Site Updates

I’ve made a bunch of updates to the various game info pages. After moderating the comments on those pages for almost three years, I’ve decided to remove comments from the game pages and focus users on the forums. The forum software is better anyway (it’s threaded, you can have a name and an avatar, etc), […]