Dead Rising Added

Dead Rising is officially the first next-gen game I am excited about. Rather than remake the same game with OMG BUMPMAPS LOL, Capcom is actually putting that extra CPU power to work to create game situations that have been next to impossible until now (the closest analog is probably Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick. […]

Back From E3

I made it out of E3 alive after only a single day this year, which is a feat. Better yet, both my feet and my sanity remain intact! I’ve posted my impressions of the event in the features section. Here’s a brief followup to my pre-E3 rant. Nothing at E3 2005 did much to encourage […]

Pre E3 Rant-a-thon

I’m off to E3 for the rest of the week, so updates will be sporatic-to-non-existant. In my absence, why don’t you roll over to Die, Zombie, Die!, a highly excellent horror game website. Spookycreepy has a new monster image gallery up, which I recommend you check out forthwith. So here’s my pre-E3 take on the […]

Holy Crap!! Updates!

Today I had some free time for the first time in two weeks, so I updated a bunch of stuff in the database. With E3 coming up next week, I am now prepared for the flood of information that occurs every year. I’ll be at E3 again this year, so expect a full report when […]

Haunting Ground Released

Haunting Ground was released in North America yesterday. So far the reviews have been mixed, but there’s already been a positive response on the user boards here. I’ll wait until a few more reviewers weigh in before assigning it a world score.

Database Updates

After promising to do this ages ago in the forums, I’ve finally added several games to the database: Alien Resurrection Darkseed Darkseed 2 Thanks much to forums members Endaso, Townsend, ijm000, and Crave for the links, info, and nagging!