Holy Crap!! Updates!

Today I had some free time for the first time in two weeks, so I updated a bunch of stuff in the database. With E3 coming up next week, I am now prepared for the flood of information that occurs every year. I’ll be at E3 again this year, so expect a full report when I return.

Tons of games added:

  • George Romero’s City of the Dead. Thanks to the forum guys (and gals!) for turning me on to this game. With actual in-game screenshots available now, it looks like it might even come out some day.
  • Demonik is the second Xbox360/PS3 horror-related game to be announced. It’s being developed by Terminal Reality, the guys behind Bloodrayne, Nocturne, and a Blair Witch game (Rustin Parr). No screenshots yet, but a trailer is available.
  • Luigi’s Mansion came out a really long time ago and I’ve been meaning to add it for years. I’m quite interested in which aspects of “traditional” horror games are applicable to horror-themed games aimed at a younger audience.
  • In the same vein, The Haunted Mansion is also in the database.

Also, new Siren 2 information is available at the official Siren 2 site. Check out the promotional video, it looks really, really cool. Fingers super crossed that it’s playable at E3.

Also, thanks again to the forums members for pointing me to new gameplay footage from Condemned. I’m not sure about this game yet–it’s certainly dark, but it looks pretty much like every other shooter ever so far. We’ll see if it lives up the hype.

One thought on “Holy Crap!! Updates!

  1. If Sega Rally 2005 is there please check it out
    for me! If it is cool, I SWEAR I will buy a PS2.
    Thanks 🙂

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