Frozen Silent

Happy Halloween, everybody. As I mentioned last year, Halloween in Japan just isn’t the same. This year we (and by ‘we’, I mostly mean my three year old daughter) have spent most of the time listening to Disney’s 19-minute “Halloween Street” parade song, which we were unfortunately exposed to at Disneyland a few weeks back. […]

What Disneyland can Teach us about Horror Games

My daughter turns three this week, so we celebrated by visiting Tokyo Disneyland (which, like Tokyo Game Show and the Tokyo International Airport, is not actually in Tokyo). The place was packed with families and couples (the latter of which take total control of the park after nightfall), but otherwise strongly resembled my blurry memories […]

Corpse Party

The other day I was in my local BOOKOFF and I ran across a copy of a PSP game called Corpse Party. Actually, the full title per the official site is Corpse Party – Blood Covered… Repeated Fear, which is pretty awkward. But it looked like horror material, and the back of the box made […]

Awesome Kansai Game Developers

I had a very long, but very awesome day yesterday. I had some business in Osaka so I left my house in Yokohama early, hopped on a bullet train, and was in Osaka by 10:30 AM. I lived in the Kansai area (Osaka and Kyoto–I was in Kyoto) more than ten years ago as a […]