Siren 2 Movie

Wow, the Siren 2 hype machine is really spinning lately. Sony has set up an official site for Siren 2, which includes a pretty awesome teaser video (horrible asx format, beware).

Resonance Added

Resonance is a survival-horror action RPG set for PS2/Xbox/GameCube release this year. I’ve added it to the database, and you can find more information about the game at Nintendo Insider and IGN. Here’s an excerpt of the Nintendo Insider post: The developer of the game hopes to keep Resonance as fresh and original as possible. […]

Siren 2 Details, Pictures

The MagicBox has released more pictures and information on the recently announced Siren 2. The story takes place in an abandoned island, where all human disappeared in a mysterious way 29 years ago. This time other than the dead people from the first game, there is a new type of enemy called the dark people, […]

More Siren 2 Details

The MagicBox is reporting more details on Sony’s Siren 2: Sony has released new tidbits on its PS2 horror adventure game SIREN 2 (Forbidden Siren 2), the game will have at least two main characters. The story takes place in an abandoned island, where all human disappeared in a mysterious way 29 years ago. You […]

Siren 2 Confirmed

The MagicBox is reporting that Sony has confirmed earlier rumors that a sequel to Siren is in development. Sony confirmed that they will release the survival horror adventure game SIREN 2 for PS2 in Japan in 2005.

Silent Hill 5

The MagicBox is today reporting: Konami announced that Silent Hill 5 will be coming to the next generation consoles, Silent Hill 4 is the last title for the current generation consoles.

Doom 3

I’ve added Doom 3 to the database. Though the Xbox version hasn’t been released yet, I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon and go ahead with a database update. I’ve played the first several hours of this game so far, but when I am finished I’ll be sure to post a full report. Please note […]

Game Donated!

Many thanks to Misty, who recently donated her extra copy of The Suffering to the Quest! Thanks Misty, I am in your debt.

Siren 2 Rumors

The MagicBox is carrying the following UNCONFIRMED RUMOR about Siren: UNCONFIRMED: Sony is working on a sequel to its popular horror adventure game Forbidden Siren. We can only hope that it turns out to be true.