The Darkness has some video footage of the upcoming Xbox360/PS3 horror game The Darkness. I’ve held off talking about this game because it hasn’t been clear if it’s really a horror game or just another first person shooter with a lot of monsters. The footage seems to clear that up: though you play the antagonist, it […]

Silent Hill Arcade Shooter

I’m sorry, I can’t not post this. has a bunch of images from the new Silent Hill arcade game. You read that right. It’s a shooter, set in the Silent Hill universe, with lots of fog and film grain. And zombies. That’s like Silent Hill, right? Fog + film grain + zombies = winning […]

This is Crunch

I wake up at 6:45. Brush my teeth, drink my coffee, realize I have to brush my teeth again. Check my work e-mail from home, read through the 30-odd messages that have already arrived, and respond as coherently as possible to a few. I try to get out of the house by 7:30, and I […]

Psychoanalysis of Resident Evil and Silent Hill

Here’s a pretty interesting (if extremely academic) dissection of horror games from a psychoanalytic perspective. The authors tie Resident Evil 4 and Silent Hill 4 to a number of psychoanalytic theories with interesting results. It’s slightly pedantic (I’m not really one who can lay that criticism to anybody, I guess), but pretty interesting nonetheless.