Halloween in Japan

Though this is technically my second Halloween in Japan, it is my first in a decade and my first in Tokyo. Halloween is not a big holiday here–it is probably better known as a day when foreign students get drunk and cause trouble than as a day related to pumpkins, trick or treating, or things […]

I’m Hip in the UK

UK “lifestyle community” Xtaster was nice enough to hit me up for an interview about horror games as part of their Halloween-related content. The interview is live now, and it’s been nicely annotated with images from some great horror games. It’s really nice to be able to reach beyond this blog and talk about horror […]

Moving is Hard

Just over a year ago I had one of the busiest months of my life; when the game studio I was working for shut down, I suddenly found myself out of a job. In the span of about three weeks I had several job interviews, I flew to LA, New York, San Francisco, and finally […]

Releases and Rumors

As we approach Halloween the horror games begin to land in quick succession. Silent Hill: Homecoming and Dead Space (which is mysteriously missing from my database–gotta fix that) are out and have been met by mediocre and favorable reviews, respectively. Forums member suedepup also passed along this awesome information about leaked videos for a new […]

Sometimes I play other games too

It’s been pretty quiet around here lately, for witch I apologize. But, I have a good excuse: I’m preparing to move, and not just down the block. No, my family and I are moving to a whole ‘nother country next week, and I’m frantically trying to close all of my accounts, cancel all of my […]