Let’s fund some indie horror games

DreadOut needs your help!

I don’t think it is an exaggeration to say that the best horror games in the last few years have not come from traditional console game developers. They’ve come from independent developers, run on PCs rather than consoles, and are scarier than anything we’ve seen from the console space in years. Amnesia and its predecessors, Lone Survivor, and Slender are just a few. If you’ve been paying attention to Steam’s Greenlight program, you may have noticed that there are more indie horror games in development than you can shake a stick at.

But some of these games need help to reach completion. I propose that we help them out by donating some cash or voting on Greenlight. I’ll highlight two games here but feel free to link to more in the comments below. There’s a lot to see!

DreadOut is a Fatal Frame-esque third person horror game by an Indonesian developer, and man it looks awesome. The developer is close to meeting their funding goal ($25k, which is like a rounding error for the level of quality that they are pushing), but only has 4 days left. Drop everything and go give them some cash! There’s also a playable demo for all platforms if you need convincing. Thanks much to Michael from Frightening for the tip-off about this one. Michael also has a pretty cool video preview up.

The Forest is something completely different. It’s an open world horror game something or another–I’m not really sure. But the trailer is super hot and all it needs is Greenlight votes. So go vote for it.

There are more–a lot more–in development or recently released. Post your favorites in the comments and let’s help these guys bring their games to market.

8 thoughts on “Let’s fund some indie horror games

  1. http://www.frightening.de
    Thanks for mentioning!

    Other upcoming indie horror games that are very interesting:

    Routine, a sci-fi-horror game: http://www.routinegame.com/ and http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=92985806


    Daylight, not sure if indie. It’s from the developers from the SAW-games: http://www.zombie.com/games/daylight

    Among the sleep:

    And of course Amnesia: A machine for pigs.

    You can find a lot more horror games when searching for the horror-tag on Greenlight: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=765&browsesort=toprated&requiredtags%5B0%5D=Horror&p=1

  2. The DreadOut demo was really nifty, if a little rough. Will definitely sustain me until the next Fatal Frame (hopefully on WiiU).

    I think Among the Sleep has just met it kickstarter target, so that’s a promising horror game definitely on the horizon.

  3. These all look like great, unique games.
    Hopefully they will each meet their target funds and be completed.
    It looks like most of them have so far.

  4. Whoa DreadOut is really nice! 🙂
    I love “old school” survival horror games.
    Graphics are not so good but I really enjoined the gameplay. I hope it’ll be avaible for PS3 too cos I hate playing on keyboard :/

  5. Just finished Among the sleep demo too,
    great game! When Penumbra meets Rugrats 😀

    I hope Routine will be what Dead Space will never be!

  6. I wasn’t huge fan of the Among the Sleep demo. I didn’t know what I was expecting, but I don’t think it provided much to get excited over- the vulnerability that you’d think would be provided by being a two year-old was undermined by the player’s own intelligence, so it felt somewhat standard in terms of atmosphere.

    I really enjoyed the child puzzle solving however, that was really neat.

  7. The DreadOut demo was really nifty, if a little rough. Will definitely sustain me until the next Fatal Frame (hopefully on WiiU).

    I think Among the Sleep has just met it kickstarter target, so that’s a promising horror game definitely on the horizon.


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