Chiller Video Shorts

Brandon over at insert credit posted about a horror short that he worked on which is part of a contest from a site called ChillerTV. There are a ton of entries (though so far, the one Brandon linked to is the best that I’ve seen), and at five minutes, it’s fun to see filmmakers try to invent a scary situation under time pressure. It’s actually kind of the same type of experiments that I liked in the Tales of Terror from Tokyo series. Some of the shorts are better than others, but with this number of entries there are sure to be some really nice films. Check it out!

Update: The more of these I watch the more convinced I am that Brandon’s film is several orders of magnitude better than the competition. Some of these shorts are really, really bad; I suppose that’s to be expected with an internet contest, but after seeing the Insert Credit film I had high hopes for the rest. Alas, it seems that Brandon’s film is the outlier. It’s still interesting to see how people with no restrictions (and, to be fair, no budget) attempt to just duplicate their favorite scenes from established horror films rather than trying something new. Perhaps the plethora of crappy Hollywood horror films is the product of a “horror is easy” mindset that afflicts indy film makers as well.

2 thoughts on “Chiller Video Shorts

  1. I wish I knew about this sooner, I would have tried to submit.

    Brandon’s film does seem to be the best out of the ones that I saw as well..

  2. I watched a bunch last night and I did find a few more that were well done. One said it was a winner in another contest. Cool stuff!

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