The latest issue of Game Developer magazine has an article I wrote called Pressed By The Dark, which is an expansion of the last two posts here on this site about the Two Factor Theory as it might be applicable to game design. The best part about it is that it’s paired with weirdo, crazy awesome “pixel art” by crazy Russian artist UNOMORALEZ.
Oh yeah, and I’m speaking at GDC again this year, so if you’re planning on attending let me know!
Thanks for the heads up – I’ll have to make sure to stop by your panel.
This is going to be my first time speaking at GDC (or attending for that matter) – (Zeboyd Games)
GDC is a lot of fun. Congrats on getting on stage with your first visit! This is my 9th or 10th GDC and only my second year speaking.
This UNOMORALEZ guy’s gallery is really impresive, so sick and creepy, reminds me of Suehiro Maruo’s style.
Thinking of getting people together for horror talk over drinks/dinner? I would totally be in! 😀