Just wanted to assure you all that my three year old daughter is enjoying a proper horror upbringing. Please find below her depiction of a girl who is clearly either on day seven of a Japanese curse or has peered into the depths of some underground cyclopean city to witness Shub-Niggurath and her thousand young.

“…into the depths of some underground cyclopean city to witness Shub-Niggurath and her thousand young.”
She knows more about horror than I do.
I’d buy it! ;D
Better character designer than some guys around lately!
Looks like a shibito.
That’s adorable!
I’m doing the same for a younger sibling, myself. Gotta indoctrinate them early!
I love it!
More evidence: today she wrote “YUREI”, which means “ghost” in Japanese. This was unprompted. She doesn’t know that word yet.
Concept art and creepy atmosphere…sounds like you should collaborate on a game! 😀
Someone get this one a t-shirt. Stat.
What a picture – absolutely loved it and the caption!