The Horror of Horror Movies

I am not sure what it is about the Survival Horror genre that attracts film makers. Most horror games are heavily influenced by cinema anyway, which might make people who produce films comfortable.

Regardless, I think it is important to remember that there has never, ever been a good movie made based on a video game license. Resident Evil was bad, Street Fighter was terrible, and Super Mario Bros. was god-awful. I suppose the Mortal Kombat was the most successful: it spawned a series of terrible sequels.

Well my friends, more video game movies are on the way, and they all seem horror oriented.

I guess we’ll have to wait and see what the film makers behind these productions do, but my hopes are pretty amazingly low. I guess I can see some potential for Silent Hill or Fatal Frame turning out well, as those games rely heavily on mood. The fact that the trailer for House of the Dead starts with “teenagers, at a rave, on an island full of zombies!!” pretty much ruins any hopes I might have had for that flick.

Operator’s Side

I’ve added Operator’s Side to the database. This game looks pretty cool because it requires the player to use voice input (similar to Seaman). I am not really sure how this works in the game, but when I get more information I’ll be sure to post it.

Fatal Frame 2

When is Fatal Frame 2 coming out?? GameFAQs says it should be out already, but random dude in a video game store says not until November.

IGN has an interview with Keisuke Kikuchi, the general producer for the next Fatal Frame game. I am excited about this series… the first had some problems but was generally very good.

Mmmm… Yakiniku

I am knocking around Japan with my wife this week. I picked up a bunch of games for the Quest today at our local Book Off. I swear Japan is the place for cheap used games.

I managed to pick up

The database has been updated to reflect the purchases.

I am only here long enough to get over the jet lag. I had some excellent yakiniku this evening, and I am wishing that I could stay here longer.

Off to Japan

I am headed off to Japan for a week. I may make some updates while I am there, but since I am not sure what sort of internet connection I’ll have I can’t make any promises.

Silent Hill 3 is being well received. I’ve been pretty busy preparing for my trip, so I haven’t gotten much of a chance to play the game yet. What I have played has been very good… the game has yet to disappoint me. It also happens to be the best looking PS2 game I’ve seen.

New games

I’ve added Galerians to the database.

Sam from just told me about Agartha, a survival horror game for the Dreamcast that was canned just before it was to be released. The developer, No Cliche, was Sega’s first wholly owned European studio (they were French). However, the No Cliche company web site no longer resolves, and I am assuming that they’ve dissolved. However, Agartha looks pretty cool, so if anyone has any information on it (or perhaps…. a ROM?) please let me know.