The X-Files: Resist or Serve

Platforms: PS2
Release Date: 2004-03-16
Regions: USA Europe
Chris’s Rating: ☆☆☆☆
A textbook example of what you get when you treat game design as a list of features taken from other popular games (hint: it’s not good).

X-Files: Resist or Serve is sort of a mess. I can see the feature list on some producer’s desk now:

  • Mulder and Scully both playable characters? Check!
  • Resident Evil: Code Veronica movement and combat mechanics? Check!
  • Nonsensical plot involving secret experiments in a vast underground laboratory and psychics and aliens? Check!
  • Silent Hill-style flashlight graphics? Check!
  • Superfluous features that we must have because other games have them, such as leaving bloody footprints after walking over a fallen enemy? Check!
  • Zombies and especially Zombie Dogs?? CHECK!!

I’m sure the developers (Black Ops) were asked to take Resident Evil and remake it with X-Files characters. If that was truly their intention, the developers of Resist or Serve have really delivered. We’ve got all the major features here: fixed or follow cameras in 3D environments, hold trigger to aim and button to shoot, an item management screen that lets you equip or combine items, plenty of keycards, and yes, even zombies. For fun, the developers seem to have thrown in some elements they liked from the Silent Hill series as well: the map is a direct knockoff of the Silent Hill map, and the characters have a flashlight that can be equipped or unequipped as they traverse the dark corners of some rural town.

Ok, so I guess it’s not entirely derivative. There are some interesting design innovations to be found here. First of all, the developers have gone out of their way to make instant changes of equipped items impossible. Every time Mulder or Scully needs two hands to do something (open a door, reload their gun, etc), they play an animation of the flashlight getting put away, followed by the action, followed by an animation of the flashlight being retrieved. Also, as events occur in the game Mulder takes notes, which you can go back and read at any time. Finally, Mulder and Scully traverse the same story in two very different ways, and their paths intersect at several junctures. There are a few mini-games (including a much-hyped alien autopsy game) that are only available to one character or the other. To really see the whole story, you’ll have to play through the game twice, once as each member of the X-Files team.

Unfortunately, almost all of these innovations are half-baked. I guess the goal of the item equipping animations was to make the game seem more realistic, but in practice it simply made game play more arduous. The notes Mulder takes would be more interesting of the story wasn’t completely senseless and if they’d picked a font that was easier to read. And thanks, but there’s no way I am playing this game again just to see Scully’s slightly different path through the levels. I played the alien autopsy mini game and it was terrible. I would have much preferred to be able to switch characters in the middle of the game, perhaps at each major juncture where Mulder and Scully come together, than to play the same content again with a slightly different character.

Alright, so we’ve established that X-Files is pretty much a knock-off of Code Veronica. But hey, Code Veronica was a pretty good game, right? Shouldn’t an X-Files branded version be pretty fun too?

Unfortunately, the answer is mostly “no.” The basic traversal game play is marred by some awful camera placement and an odd control scheme (it shares some features with Devil May Cry, like sticking forward across camera angles, but often I found it unwieldy and confusing). The combat is just plain boring: though you accumulate a few different weapons over the course of the game, the basic pistol is sufficient for dispatching almost every enemy you encounter. The enemies themselves are really dumb: they just make a b-line for you and then shield their eyes when you shine the light at them. Inexplicably, the zombies will sometimes attack each other, which can certainly make your life easier but does not make the game any more fun. Ammo and health are plentiful throughout the game, and there aren’t really any puzzles to speak of besides “collect the item and return to the single locked door.” The item management system isn’t fun or challenging because the player can hold an infinite number of items; it’s just a bullet point on a producer’s game design document somewhere.

So the game play sucks. How about the story? The X-Files universe should have tons of interesting ideas to draw from, right?

Well, you’d think so. Instead, the developers have opted to go with some nonsense involving aliens, black inky stuff, psychic high school girls, and of course, zombies. The zombies are truly, truly uninspired for this game, and it is really a shame too because the developers could probably have done whatever they wanted without breaking the X-Files intellectual property guidelines. Really, how many X-Files episodes are there with zombies? All in all, it’s a pretty sad collection of cliches, right down to the “to be continued…” text at the end of the game. Please, please do not make a sequel.

Real quick, here’s some info about the aesthetics of the game. The graphics are technically pretty good and artistically pretty boring. The characters look sort of like David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson from a distance, but up close they look like freaky monstrosities; something is really wrong with their eyes in particular. The sound effects are functional but uninspired. The music is actually pretty good; it sounds like the show and does a good job of building tension as you play the game. However, it would have been more effective if the crescendos in the music could have matched some startling event in the game. In short: the game provides functional aesthetics, but it doesn’t really inspire and certainly cannot save the game from the dull game play.

I often like to talk about games as being more than “the sum of their parts.” Well in this case, X-Files is exactly the sum of its parts; no more and no less. The game really feels like the developers had a checklist of features they felt needed to be implemented, and nobody ever got around to ensuring that those features would actually come together to produce a good game. Having been in such situations myself, I’d guess that the publisher (Vivendi-Universal) is to blame. Regardless, X-Files isn’t a very fun game and the license certainly doesn’t save it.

RLH: Run Like Hell

Also known as: Run Like Hell
Platforms: PS2, Xbox
Release Date: 2002-09-27
Regions: USA Europe
Chris’s Rating: ☆☆☆☆

Resident Evil Outbreak

Also known as: Biohazard Outbreak
Platforms: PS2
Release Date: 2004-04-01
Regions: USA Japan

Online version of Resident Evil. Announced by Capcom in early 2002.

Sweet Home

Platforms: NES
Release Date: 1989-12-15
Regions: Japan

The original Resident Evil.

Released in Japan only, English ROM patch available.

Clock Tower: The First Fear

Platforms: SNES, PSX
Release Date: 1995-09-14
Regions: Japan
Chris’s Rating: ★★★★
A fantastic example of the way that quality horror games require neither advanced technology nor action-oriented game play.

Japan only. English ROM patch available at:

This is the original Clock Tower game by Human Entertainment. You control young Jennifer, an orphan who finds herself trapped in a mansion that is home to a family of sadistic maniacs. One of the residents, Bobby, is an excellent example of why all parents should keep incredibly huge scissors away from their insane nine-year old children.

Clock Tower uses a point and click interface similar to old Sierra games. The game is fairly short but offers nine possible endings, and has been designed so that there are several unique paths through the game. Extremely well executed and very highly recommended.

Resident Evil 0

Also known as: BioHazard 0
Platforms: GameCube, Wii
Release Date: 2003-03-07
Regions: USA Japan Europe
Chris’s Rating: ★★★☆
Seemingly minor tweaks to the rapidly-aging Resident Evil formula end up changing the traversal strategy considerably.

Describing how Resident Evil 0 works is a little difficult. It has a whole bunch of crazy new features that set it apart from the series, but it is in many ways just like every other RE game to date.

One of the main features of Resident Evil 0 is the ability to play as two characters simultaneously. Previous RE games have allowed you to play as more than one character separately, and have occasionally featured sequences where another character will follow the protagonist around. RE 0 takes this mechanic to a whole new level by allowing you to switch between the game’s lead characters at your leisure. When in control of Billy or Rebecca, the other character automatically follows you around and helps you dispatch zombies. You can give the characters basic commands and usually switch between them at any time, even if they are in different rooms. To mix up the game play variety even more, Billy and Rebecca have different abilities, and often you must complete a puzzle by controlling one of them explicitly. While many games have had a lot of problems with AI-controlled team players, Resident Evil 0’s approach is completely successful. At no time do you feel bogged down by the second character, and they are actually incredibly helpful in combat. Furthermore, when you are forced to leave one of the characters behind, the sense of tension increases very quickly.

The second major change introduced by Resident Evil 0 is the removal of item boxes. Classic RE gameplay has dictated that the player constantly manage the number of items they carry around, dropping items that are not immediately relevant in ubiquitous item boxes. The weird part about this mechanic is that all the boxes seem to be mysteriously connected, as items dropped off in one box are always available in another. RE 0 changes this mechanic by simply allowing the player to drop items on the floor wherever they like. Items will remain where they have been dropped (and will even show up on the map), so the player no longer has to constantly return to rooms with item boxes to collect their goods. This may sound like a minor adjustment, but the impact it has on gameplay turns out to be considerable.

Finally, Resident Evil 0 introduces fully animated pre-rendered backgrounds. This game is by far the best looking of the series, and is probably in the running for the best looking game of all time. As the backgrounds animate, the characters seem to fit perfectly into each scene. The art in this game has to been seen to be believed.

Despite these innovations, very little of the game play formula has changed with RE 0. Most of the player’s time is spent setting clocks to specific times to open doors, playing special piano notes, moving giant statues around to disable traps, and examining paintings for clues. The puzzles are so run-of-the-mill that the game feels stagnant. After five games, I’m getting tired of collecting key cards and flipping switches in the correct order. Though the game does create some new puzzles using the two characters, these innovations are few and far between. It is important to note that the second disc of the game is much better in this regard to the first.

Resident Evil 0 is a hard game. It is much more difficult than any of recent installments in the series, mostly due to a new type of zombie and a pretty hardcore approach to item management. In fact, RE0 felt more like the original Resident Evil than any other in the series: there are very few health items, you spend the game perpetually out of ammo, the odds are stacked against you when going up against some common enemies, and your characters can hold so few items that item management becomes a huge concern. I can’t remember dying in any recent Resident Evil game, but I died in RE 0 a lot. Unfortunately, most of the challenge feels unfair: the new zombie class introduced in this game is far more difficult than most of the boss challenges.

Ultimately, the new game play innovations introduced by Resident Evil 0 are marginalized by run-of-the-mill puzzles and unbalanced gameplay. While the graphics are amazing, the story intriguing, the monsters scary, and the combat intense, RE 0 ends up being more mediocre than most of the other games in the series. That said, it’s still heads above most of the competition, and is not at all a bad game. However, it feels like Resident Evil 0 just missed becoming a spectacular game and was forced to settle for moderately good instead.

Resident Evil (Remake)

Also known as: Biohazard (Remake)
Platforms: GameCube, Wii
Release Date: 2002-05-01
Regions: USA Japan Europe
Chris’s Rating: ★★★★

Also known as “Resident Evil Archives: Resident Evil” for the Wii release.