Game Donation!!

Thanks very much to forums member ijm000 for his generous donation of Necronomicon: The Dawning of Darkness. This is a game that I know absolutely nothing about, but based on the box and ijm000’s review, it is probably an excellent match for the forums. Thanks ijm000! Also, I’m still alive, but I’m heading out on […]

Silent Hill Poster Viewer

This morning I decided to browse some of the entries for the Silent Hill Poster Contest, but I found that a gallery isn’t provided on Sony’s site. So I wrote a very simple script to display the entries. There appear to be around 2000 entries at the moment, though I think it’s safe to assume […]

How Did I Import Game?

Forums member 16bitman knows a lot about importing games, and he’s graciously written up a complete guide. He’s included a how-to section for finding and playing import games, reviews of his favorite horror and non-horror obscure titles, links to useful import-related sites, and even a few save files for some of his favorite titles. Check […]

Cthulhu Called, Fatal Frame Tormented

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth is finally out, and the reviewers seem to like what they see. Fatal Frame 3 is also out, but is so far fairing a little worse (though there are still very few reviews–I’ll update the world score here when there are at least 10). Both look like […]

Holy Zombie Games, Batman

I’m still way behind because my computer is in the shop, but here’s some recent updates. For some reason they all involve zombie games. City of the Dead may or may not be cancelled. No confirmation yet. However, a new Romero horror game, Land of the Dead, has been announced. Stubbs the Zombie came out […]


My computer has either been taken by the dreaded Astwihad or it has suffered a hard disk failure. At any rate, I’m behind on a backlog of news and database updates. Everything should be in the right by next week. Here’s some quick news: Siren is becoming a movie! Here’s some info and pictures of […]

Suffering 2 Reviews

The Suffering: Ties That Bind came out late last month and the reviewers have pretty much agreed that it’s a little weaker than its predecessor. I’m still looking forward to this title because the original Suffering is one of the very few American horror games that actually worked pretty well without being campy.

New Site Feature

This weekend I added Keywords to my site. Now every post should contain a keyword (like the link that says “Site” on this post), and you can browse the posts by specific keyword. This is a pretty standard feature of other blogs, and now I’ve added it to my software. Hopefully it will make the […]

Expository Horror

I’ve been itching to write a few more articles for the site, in the vein of the feature on character design that I posted a few months back. Like the previous article, I’d like to focus on one aspect of horror games and sort of write a stream-of-consciousness about how they help induce fear in […]

IE Really Sucks

So I just noticed that my page has been broken under Windows Internet Explorer for who knows how long. Every other browser–Safari, Firefox, Opera, Mac OS IE–renders the page correctly, but IE under Windows XP fails horribly. Specifically, all the text on this page was mysteriously centered. I’ve fixed the problem, but the real solution […]